Forms (Katas)

KATAS  ( Click form name for video links )

Form Name                      Year                        Country           Moves     Originator
Geicho Hyung Il Bu          1947                        S. Korea            20            Hwang Kee
Geicho Hyung Yl Bu        1947                        S. Korea            20            Hwang Kee
Geicho Hyung Sahm Bu   1947                        S. Korea            20            Hwang Kee
Note:   Hwang Kee created the Geicho series to introduce forms (katas) to students earlier in their training.
Pyingahn Cho Dan            1870                        Okinawa            22            Lee Do So
Pyingahn Yi Dan              1870                        Okinawa            29            Lee Do So
Pyingahn Sahm Dan         1870                        Okinawa            28            Lee Do So
Pyingahn Sah Dan            1870                        Okinawa            27            Lee Do So
Pyingahn Oe Dan              1870                        Okinawa            28            Lee Do So
Note:  All Pyingahn forms are Chinese but were changed in 1870 by Lee Do So
Bassai (Bas-che)               400 years ago          S. China            52            Unknown
Nia Ahn Chi Cho Dan      900 years ago          N.W. China       33            Chang Son Kae
Nai Ahn Chi Ea Dan         900 years ago          N.W. China       30            Chang Son Kae
Nai Ahn Chi Saha Dan     900 years ago          N.W. China       40            Chang Son Kae
Saa Woo Han Nan            1976                        United States                     David Praim
Note:  Nai Ahn chi forms are Chinese but Chang Son Kae an Okinawan, introduced some changes so the present forms are a combination of both.
Gintoe                               200-300 years         China                 44            Unknown
Row Hi                             Unknown                S. China            33            Unknown
Sip Soo(Cin-Day)             Unknown                China                 27            Unknown
Kong Son Kun                  300 years ago          S.China             67            Kong son Kun
O-Sip-Sa-Bo                     400 years ago          S. China            77            Unknown
Wong Sue                         200 years ago          S. China            39            Wong Sue
See-San                             900 years ago          China                 45            Unknown
Note:  See-San is the mother form of Tae-Kuk
Gie Own                           300 years old           China                 50            Unknown
Tae-Kuk*                          900 years old           S. China                            Chang Sang Bo
Ship-Par                            400 years old           S. China            30            Unknown
Ea-Sip-Sa-Bo                    400 years old           S. China            36            Unknown
Seo-O-Chin                       800 years old           S. China            33            Unknown
Oun-Soo                           500 years old           S. China            47            Unknown
So-Rim-Jung-Kwan**      900 years old           S. China            85            Unknown
There are 88 different forms in the Tae-Kuk series with a total of more than 400 different movemnts.
** So-Rim-Jung-Kwan is a dancing form, which was performed before the emperor and empress of China to demonstrate the fighting skills of the warriors.
The years of origination of some forms are estimated because records and data were not totally accurate.
Chil Sung Forms: 
Chil Sung Il Ro  (CMK)        1952     Korea     38     Hwang Kee     By SKTSD  Chil Sung Il Ro       
Chil Sung Ee Ro (CMK)       1952     Korea     29     Hwang Kee     By SKTSD  Chil Sung Ee Ro
Chil Sung Sam Ro (CMK)    1952     Korea     56     Hwang Kee     By SKTSD  Chil Sung Sam Ro
Chil Sung Sa Ro
Chil Sung O Ro
Chil Sung Yuk Ro
Chil Sung Chil Ro

Form / Kata videos from the CMK YouTube Channel

Chuck Bowden ( Row Hi )

D. Resseguie KI Event Feb. 3, 2007 (Kong Son Kun)

Paul Robb ( Saa Woo Han Nan )

D. Resseguie Gin Toe

Kung Sun Kung modified for Sai

1st Annual KI Challenge 2007